Do you know the work of Will Ashen? One book based on hitchhiking, the other "passengers".
Different from you in that he has removed himself. (I hate people recommending something saying they think it resembles your work. Something I find vaguely insulting). He is another writer using the same medium of tarmac. That is all : )
I shall work my way backwards time allowing. Otherwise await further editions with anticipation.
Thanks Julian, very kind of you! I do know his work actually and in fact it was through his twitter that I came across Consume and Enjoy! I haven't read Passengers yet but I'm looking forward to it.
My idea of a perfect newsletter. Applause.
Do you know the work of Will Ashen? One book based on hitchhiking, the other "passengers".
Different from you in that he has removed himself. (I hate people recommending something saying they think it resembles your work. Something I find vaguely insulting). He is another writer using the same medium of tarmac. That is all : )
I shall work my way backwards time allowing. Otherwise await further editions with anticipation.
Thanks Julian, very kind of you! I do know his work actually and in fact it was through his twitter that I came across Consume and Enjoy! I haven't read Passengers yet but I'm looking forward to it.